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NTT Groups Marks Dual Anniversaries with Grand Celebration in Riyadh
NTT Groups’ Dual Anniversary Gala: A Night of Innovation and Diplomacy
Celebrating Milestones On April 29, 2024, NTT Groups commemorated two significant milestones: 33 years of global operations and 16 years of influential presence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The celebration, hosted at Riyadh’s Holiday Inn, was a testament to the company’s enduring legacy and its commitment to innovation and excellence.
A Gathering of Esteemed Guests The event was attended by an elite group of international diplomats, prominent business heads, and community leaders. The gathering was a reflection of NTT Groups’ extensive network and the high regard in which it is held on the global stage.
Honoring a Young Visionary The spotlight of the evening was on Master Nuaym, the young CEO who has made remarkable strides in artificial intelligence and robotics. His work, which includes a robotic-based corporate security system and an AI-powered service for ad campaigns, has been recognized as a significant contribution to the field.
Ambassadorial Acclaim Dr. Suhel Ajaz Khan, the Ambassador of India to Saudi Arabia, praised Master Nuaym’s achievements, expressing confidence in the bright future of India led by such promising youth. He also highlighted the deep-rooted relationship between India and Saudi Arabia, which has been bolstered by the leadership of Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.